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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Steve Yoo Seung Jun with Jackie Chan on Asia Uncut

Yoo Seung Jun with Jon Nierrman, the host of Asia Uncut
(Asia Uncut)

Any of you guys remember Yoo Seung Jun the Korean singer/rapper that got kicked out of Korea because he wouldn't do the mandatory military service back in 2002? Well, he is now trying out his luck to be a star in China. Yoo Seung Jun is starring in a new Jackie Chan movie that was released last month called Little Big Soldier, which takes place during the Warring States Period in China. Yoo Seung Jun plays the villainous role of "Prince Wen". It really sucks for him that he can't come back to Korea, but hey, finding work in China and being signed to Jackie Chan isn't that bad of a deal.

Yoo Seung Jun also did a little promotion along with Jackie Chan for Little Big Soldier on an episode of Asia Uncut (an English talk show based in Shanghai, China) which aired on February 10th. Yoo Seung Jun does a pretty cool entrance with the dancing with the nunchucks. Wow, he's still got it. The man can really dance! Yoo Seung Jun will be releasing an album this April. I think the album will be Chinese as he's trying to break through the Chinese-language market.


Anonymous said...

Yoo Seung Jun called Jackie Chan "master"?! O.o